My flame of frustration and rage burst up after i go through my friend's blog. Come on, people nowadays is just manipulate and implant fear and so-called respect on religion. If the true purpose of a religion is used to control and brain-washed fellow believers, then what is the point of believing and respecting it? Going through history book enlighten me alot, especially when you go through all the wars, discrimination, brutal judgements, and much more, thanks to the word 'religion'. England and France (if im not mistaken) are battling to prove that their religion is the only one. The terrorists are bombing and killing and chopping and acting as if these bastards are born to fulfil the duty for their religion. Here, religion is a sensitive issue whereby no one can discuss or critic on it (YA RITE, Fu(k ya!!!!!)
Religion has been misuse (misguide) by many leaders across the world. They just use religion to control and make sure that the citizen are listening to them. Come on, dudes or leaders, it is a shame, please just stop acting as if you are Fu(king holy if you are not. My line again, Just be yourself.
Nabi Mohamad never force anyone to join Islam. Christian is emphasising on love, peace and harmony. If everyone that has their own believe in their own religion and following it with eyes opened, this world will be a better place to stay.
Enough with stating how good you are as a follower. Do you really know what is your religion about? Dont misuse it. Religion is something wise and holy and great if you really know how to use it.
I'm sick enough to see how Mumbai get attacked,
Sick enough to see how Bali get bombed,
Sick enough to see how Madrid get bombed,
Sick enough to see how people in Iraq suffer just to survive,
Sick enough to see how people worship god and religion as a symbol of battle and war,
Sick enough to see how innocent people still praying for peace and other people are trying to eliminate peace.
Shallowing the whole bible,
Hiding inside the temple,
Saying all the wise words,
Praying 5 times a day,
Acting as a kind follower,
It is just a piece, or many pieces of shit bloody crap.
If you have the wrong mentality.
If you are doing what god asked you to do,
We will never get punished by Him.
See what the world is now,
If you dont wanna play a part in making it better,
Please dont make it worse.
little girls jewelry box
3 years ago
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