I am born with high alert on number. I hate math (honesty) but anyway getting high grade for it. Like other teens out there, money matter= no matter. However, time to wake up and be alert how your money evaporate.
A barrel of crude oil is going under US60 now. Here, we suppose to 'follow' the market price, like other countries. But then,......... ;P. Going under RM1.92?? Haram tak mungkin la
Lending money to help company? How much you need? RM50 Billion? No problem. No need to repay, no need receipt, no need nothing. Our government is very kind to our citizen, dont you think so?? ;P
Reducing income tax? Sounds like a good idea in the first glance, rite? But what happen to your future? To be brutally honest, that mere percentage doesn't help alot ;P
Rebate for your car? Ya, after charging you like hell, giving you hundreds is sufficiant to keep your mouth and wallet shut? Well, not for me ;p
Think that food is still cheap? Try this in MCD. Dont you think the burger is getting smaller and smaller. People in our college is damn smart. They will overcharge you for every single thing that they sell to you (For charity ma ;P)
Government also have a lot of projects. Good, that helps people by providing jobs. But then, how long that a government plan last? Oh ya, Our government like to build all kind of monuments such as circuit for our friendly neighbourhood, mat rempit and a high tech toilet which will make sure you will done all your business in 20 min
The best job in Malaysia that never get bother by money crisis will be
1) Government 'servant' = They are government's servant and we are the government's servant's servant.
2)Begger = They beg you for money, either trade with some kinda of useless junk items (Overcharge again!!!) or act like one of the three blind mices. Worse, they no longer recieve amount which is below RM1. See, even begger reject your 50 cent!!!
3)Criminal (Jerks and @$$holes falls into this category as well)= They act like Ghost Rider, 'rempiting' all around, performing the same old school m0ther f!@King action and worse attacking pedestians. Not forget to mention, all the drug addicters, thieves, snatchers, DIY bomb makers, kidnapers, crappers that make all false claim regarding on every single crisis we have here and road barberian. F@#k all of you here!!!!!!! Take this!!!!!
In conclusion (Mrs Yap said must end every essay with a nice conclusion)
Please dont CATCH me!!!!! Thanks :D
little girls jewelry box
3 years ago