I am spending my valuable and rare hoildays, watching that damn South Park. Well, cantonese version is always more funny that the original version. Besides rude, i still think that it is as cool and rock as Sponge Bob!!!!!
Got some inspirations from one of the episodes which talks about the 'Rich and Poor Theory'. If you ever wonder, why are you so poor and yet God or any rich ppl never even help you by sharing their money with you, this is the answer.
First, to be rich you need to be smart. When you are smart, you will end up getting a cert and work in a big company and earn tons of money. So, for the poor ppl, they are just dumb. (Ouch!!!). The reason rich ppl never share their money with ppl is basically they don't bother to share money with dumbass and they will have to work, like the rich ppl to get money. See, the poor can work as the servant for the rich, doing things that the rich won't do such as maid, rubbish collector or plumber (Ouch!!). If the poor get rich, who will do all these sh*t?!
Some part of this theory seem to be logical and ya, i buy his idea. Guess that's the reason why money is so powerful and everyone is hunting for more. In reality, it is just painful for the poor (I'm included, thats y i worked as a saleperson) to realise this fact. (The actual version is way more aggressive and rude, due to our country cencorship law, certain language and words have been eliminated and replaced)
little girls jewelry box
3 years ago