You see, we are all cheated by God and all of His theories that he listed inside His books and teaching. He teached us to be kind to other people, not to do bad things, be loyal to His teaching and love everything. Ya right, tell me who can do all these stuffs nowadays?
Let's make one example. In Buddhist, anyone that do any kind of evil deeds will go to hell. For punishment, simple answer. If you lie, your tougue will be hooked. If you copy in examination or steal, your hands will be cut. If you talk bad about someone else, you will be punished by drinking boling oil. Looks kinda reasonable ya?! Think again....
Who the hell in this earth dare to admit that he/she never lie in his/her life. Even a simple statement, stating that that damn fat girl is not really that fat is also a lie. (Remark, there is no such thing as white, black or grey lie. A lie is a lie, thats the bottomline). Another example, you dont like the food that your friends plan to bring you to but u said it is ok. YOU ARE LYING!!!!! Same to those who come with unlimited excuses not to go out with your friends, MEET ME IN HELL COS YOU ARE LYING, DUDE!!!!!!
Let us go for talking bad about other. Under this rule, i think i will drink a pool of boiling oil when im at hell. Same example, when you saw a gal in front of yr seat in college and complain that she is a bitch,you are one leg in hell.( Unless she is a bitch and she admits it, then you are safe). If God really around us and remember all of our deeds, He will make the criteria to heaven lower, in order to make sure hell is not overload.
Well, to those who believe in God (extremists only, if you are like me, consider yourself as bystanders, pergi mana pun tak pa), maybe u should just forget all these rubbish that i 'threw' and continue with yr believe. I have no intention to spread the anti- heaven and pro-hell theory. Im just discussing about my own case. SO THAT WHEN SOMEONE ELSE SCREAM AT ME AND ASK ME TO 'GO TO HELL', I DONT FEEL FRUSTRATED COS IM GOING TO HELL AND HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!!!
little girls jewelry box
3 years ago