If you have a joker in yr life, you should be thankful. (I never refer myself as joker, hence im not selling myself via this post). For those who can never make jokes and make other laugh till tears out, they will know what i mean.
For me, it's a continuous training in order to become a joker. Some born with such genes and some work very very hard to sound funny to other. To those with such genes, whatever they said and do can make other laugh like hell. For other (like me), they can only refer and duplicate the same jokes that works on themselves to other, hoping that other will potrait the same laughing effect like themselves.
So, next time when someone tell you something that could make you laugh for hours, appreciate it. You never know how your laugh can mean to the joker. And for those who cant joke, try harder. I'm undergoing this training as well ;P
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3 years ago