I placed my backpack, my ugly backpack, under junks category. Ok, both side of the bag were completed stripped off in Bangkok and it is a miracle that its body can successfully transferred back to KL for funeral. In another hand, since i basically fix it and its performance will not be affected after the fixing, there is no reason for me to throw it away. However, this is the same bag that hurts my back and shoulder. I have to consume pills for weeks just to heal myself. But, i travelled around, despite being ugly, to everywhere.
This is the same old bag that i bring my overweight loads of laptop, speakers, documents during flash mob. This is the same old bag that i bring my laundry back to BG. This is the same old bag that i bring my limited textbooks and notes to college everyday. And this is the same old bag that i bring along, carrying my camera, mineral waters, towel, maps and everything tiny to my first ever travel, to Cambodia and Bangkok.
Battle between rational and emotion never ends. But, as human, we are suppose to think logically, based on evidences and facts.
Still, it remains as history, sweet memory. Whatever that has passed pass. Despite all the heartbreaks and tears, nothing can change the fact that it is time for it to retire (sounds better than being abandoned at trash bin) I agree that it might sounds cruel but if everyone remain the same and do no change, there is no chance for something better to get into your life. When it is time to let go, let go. Let it be a short term pain than a forever burden.
I love you, backpack....... that's why i choose not to make both of us feel bad.....
Sorry, you should leaving my life now. Other bag (hopefully Nike, but damn it is expensive ;p) might replace your position, but never the memories between us.